Check in -12 Noon & check out - 10 AM. Note: On availability rooms will be given at request.

  04652 271303

  8903527945, 8667755156

Terms and Condition

* Submission of a photocopy of identity proof of the visitor and advance payment of room rent are mandatory for stay in the hotel.
* Time of stay is counted from check in at 12.00 pm and check out at 10.00am.
Accommodations are provided on reservation with advance payment of 50% rent amount and refundable only prior to 10 days of reservation.
* Damage to hotel infrastructure including furniture, furnishing, etc. or loss of key are charged according to the amount set by the management of the hotel.
* Safety of luggage and valuables of the visitors is their own responsibility.
* Misuse of hotel property or causing hindrance to ambience would be dealt strictly.
* TAC of 12% for reservation through Travel agent.